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How To Heal Dry Cracked Lips Naturally

Unlike other body parts the lips don't have the ability to produce  natural oil , when the weather changes , lips may crack become dry or chap.So , here today I am going to share some home made tips for cracked lips.

Home Remedies For  Chapped Lips

Rose Water & Honey

Rose water  - 1 teaspoon
Honey  -  1 teaspoon

Mix rose water and honey in a bowl , Apply this mixture  on your lips for about 15 to 25 minutes. Then wash off your lips.

Tea Bags

Dip black tea bag in a boiling water , and wait until it is lukewarm. Press teabag on your lips this will help to increase the moisturise level in lips.


Take a bowl of crushed cucumber , extract out the juice of cucumber and apply this juice on your lips , Leave it on your lips for 20 minutes , Wash off your lips after 20 minutes with normal water.

Aloe Vera

You can also use aloe vera gel for sun damaged  lips, Fresh aloe vera gel will exfoliate and moisturise your lips.


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